
Am facut o compunere pe tema "school". Mi-ar plăcea să o citiți, să spuneți părerea voastră și să mă corectați la eventualele greșite - fie ele gramaticale sau de exprimare. 

I still remember the first day of school. We all were so shy and some children began crying. However, my class was lucky for having such a kind teacher. She has been so funny and every class spend with her was a pleasure. I still visit her. In time everything changed. Since I've started secondary school, things are getting more and more difficult. I already get that shivers when I think about high school etrance exam. Despite of all this stress, I'm trying to enjoy my school experience and I'm looking forward to see what the next years of school will bring 

Răspuns :

Este o compunere frumoasa , dar cred ca exista o greseala. Ai scris "I already get that shivers..."
Already este folosit cu Pres Perfect. Ar fi trebuit sa scrii "I have already got that shivers..." ;)
1."...every class spent..."; 2. "entrance"; 3."school years to come".