
uita-te la două imagini și contrast abilitățile de gestionare a timpului că aceste două persoane have.Write un paragraf -word 100 , folosind leagă pentru a arăta contrastul .
va rog frumos in prima imagina este un baiat cum lucraza foaret mult si in a doua o fata cu doarme..voi trebuie sa explicati.va rog ofer multe puncte

Răspuns :

One boy and one girl, one working, the other sleeping. When we are busy, we should first confront our responsibilities and not run away from them. When one is working he is making big progress in achieving his goal. Great things are done by people who worked a lot into the night, not loosing time and sleeping. The girl will have much more problems if she prefers to avoid conflicts and hard work, sleeping the problem away doesn't work all the time. A good way to make the best of our time is to plan our activities and respect the schedule as much as possible.