
Alcatuieste o compunere in care sa descri ce sentimente ai trait in prima saptamana de scoala repede 20 de puncte + coronita care o dau mai tarziu

Răspuns :

In the first week of school i was happy and excited to start a new year of school .I was impatient to arrive at school and to meet the new classmates and my teacher. When i saw my teacher i felt wonderful because i miss her. She is the best teacher! My classmates were happy when they saw me and i was too. I like to go at school and i feel good when i am at the school. At school i can learn many important things and usefull! I like to go at school every day! The first week of school was funny and beautiful!
Prima zi de scoala a fost ca un val de sentimente care ma prabusit.Sa-mi revad colegii care au inceput repede sa-mi povesteasca ce au facut in vacanta .Am fost bucuroasa sa revad si toti profesorii care i se citea bucuria pe fata.Acasa deja ma plictiseam am simtit si clipe in care ma intrista faptul ca stau toata ziua si nu fac nimic ,chiar daca citeodata o ajutam pe mama imi lipsea scoala care ma invatat sa scriu si sa cites .