
count and write the plural .add -s or -ies.
1)boi(sunt 4 baieti)............................
2)ferry(sunt 4vapoare)..................................
3)strawberry(sunt 8 capsuni)......................
4)toy(sunt 3 plusuri)........................
6)baby(3 bebelusi)..........................
7)key(6 chei).........................
8)fly(9 albine)............................

Răspuns :

1. there are four boys;

2. there are four ferries;

3.there are eight strawberries;

4. there are three toys;

5. there are three donkeys (btw 'donkey' e magar, nu calut)

6. there are three babies;

7. there are six keys;

8. there are nine flies ('fly' e musca, nu albina. 'bee' e albina)