
realizati o scruisoare pentti un prieten in engleza

Răspuns :

Dear... (Numele cui vrei sa i-o dai Exemplu: Andrei)

Hi, my name is Mihai.
I live in Romania,... (Exemplu:Bucuresti), I am going to school... (Exemplu:Mihai Eminescu).
I have a brother. His name is...(Exempluragos) and he have... (Exemplu: 14 (Fourteen)) years old
My favorite animal is... (Exemplu: Cat (pisica)). That's all about me, oh! I like football! Do you like football? 

With love, Mihai.

Asta-i tot. Daca vrei ajutor la numere poti sa imi spui
Daca numerele sunt de la 13-19:...teen (Exemplu five teen, legat) 
20-99 : fivety (50)
fivetyone (51)
Twenty (20)
Si tot asa, e usor.
100-999: One hundred (100)
One hundred two (102), etc.
1000-9999 : One thousand (1000)
one thousandnine hundred and seven (1997)