
am nevoie de proverbe in romana traduse in engeza si din engleza in franceza. adica acel proverb in aceeasi limba. fara google translante plzz

Răspuns :

Cine se trezeste devreme ,departe ajunge = Who wakes up early , will go far away
In cea mai frumoasa gradina gasesti buruieni = In the msot beautiful garden you will find only grass
Cu pestele mic , il prinzi pe cel mare = With the little fish , you'll catch the biggest one
O carte aleasa e un bun prieten = A chosen book is a good friend
Poftele omului , n-au hotar= Human's needs dont have limits 
Banul e o mica roata ce-nvarteste lumea toata = The  coin is a little wheel that make all the world work