
DAU COROANA!!! FARA GOOGLE TRANSLATE! Am si eu nevoie la engleza de facut o cumpunere despre cea mai buna prietena in 10 -15 randuri ! Acum va dau niste date despre ea pe care ati putea sa le introduceti in compunere ! O cheama Oana , este mai mica decat mine cu 1 an , are 14 ani , si este clasa a 8a , are parul blond si ochii caprui , este putin mai inalta fata de mine ! din cauza programului scolar ne vedem doar in week-en pentru ca ea invata dimineata iar eu dupa-amiaza ! MULTUMESC FRUMOS !

Răspuns :

My best friend is called Oana. She's younger than me, with one year difference between us. She's fourteen and she's in the eight grade. Her hair is very blonde with hazel eyes, a little bit taller than me in height. Because of our school program we can only see each other in the weekends, because she has classes in the morning while I have classes in the afternoon. We listen to the same music and we have a great time together because we have similar hobbies and similar personalities. Sometimes we also do homework together and we can help each other out.