
Răspundeti la întrebări , in engleză:
What is your name?
What îs your last name?
Do you have a nichname?
What do you do?
Do you have boyfriend?
What îs his/hes name?
How many brother And sister do you have?
How old are you?
What îs your birthday?
where were you born?
Where are you from?
What îs your phone number?
Do you live with your parents?
Do you live in a how or an apartament?

Răspuns :

My name is Maria.
I have not a last name.(Daca nai al 2 nume)
I make my homework.
No,i don't.
I have one sister.I haven't a brother.
I am 12 .
MY BIRTHDAY is 2 february .
I born in 2001.
I am from Romania.
My phone number is 0......
Yes i do
I live in a apartment.

My name is Copcea Beatrice.
My last name is Florentina
Yes,I have a nickname.It is Bettsy.
I'm answering at this questions.(Raspund la aceste intrebari.)
Yes,I have.
His name is Alex.
I don't have sisters or brothers.
I'm 16 years old.
My birthday is on 17 february.(aici trebuia "When is you birthday?")
My phone number is 076*******.
Yes,I live with my parents.
I live in an apartment.