
Va rog imi dati si mie present simple,present continues si perfect simple si cum se formeaza?20 puncte+coroana!!!!

Răspuns :

present simple este viitorul simplu... El se formează : la afirmativ: SUBIECT +a doua forma ...; la negativ : SUBIECT + didn't + verbul la prima forma ; la interogativ : Did + SUBIECT + verbul la prima forma + semnul întrebării. ..
Present Simple= Prezentul simplu(actiuni obisnuite,care se intampla in mod regulat,adevaruri sau realitati general acceptate,exprima opinii,preferinte etc) Se recunoaste prin: always,every... , usually,rarely,sometimes etc
Se formeaza asa :
Aff:Subiect + verb+(s/es la pers a 3-a sg)
Neg: S+don't/doesn't +vb
Int: Do/Does + S + vb
De exemplu:
She likes icecream.
He doesn't work every day.
Do you like pizza?

Present Continous = Prezentul Continuu(actiune care se afla in plina desfasurare la momentul vorbirii) Se recunoaste prin : now,at this moment etc
Aff: S+ to be+vb-ING
Neg: S+to be+not+ vb-ING
Int:To be+S+vb-ING
De exemplu:
I am going to school now.
He is not speakimg now.
Are you loving cheese?
Present Perfect Simple = Perfectul simplu(actiune trecuta,parte a unui proces neincheiat inca) Se recunoaste cu ajutorul adverbelor: always,often,sometimes,just,yet,already.
Aff:S+have\has + vb-ed/a 3-a forma pt verbele neregulate : People have poluted the planet.
Neg: S + haven't/hasn't + vb-ed/forma a 3-a : I haven't done my homework yet.
Int : Have/has + S + vb-ed/forma a 3-a : Have they just arrived?