Many people these days get together only so they can show off and be the center of attention and maybe they don't even love each other. Other people do love eachother, but they just can't keep their hands off eachother, so they feel the need to show their love and affection to everybody while they're hugging, holding hands and kissing in public. These actions have a name and they are called P.D.A. which stands for Public Displays of Affection. The majority of people just ignore the couples, but some of them (like children for example) like to mock them and make fun of them. In my opinion, I do think these couples need to stop showing so much affection in public and instead they should do it in private. In the book of good manners, P.D.A. is very much unaccepted and it's considered rude. I don't mind people holding hand or hugging, but nonetheless these couples should be banned from showing so much affection in a public area because it's embarrasing and cheeky. What one does with its lover should stay private, no matter what. A dat in a public place it's accepted as long as the lovers keep their hands off of eachother. I always see this kind of couples when I walk on the street, but I try my best to ignore them and keep walking, altough I can't deny the fact that I think how inappropiate and indecent they are, not to mention the a bad example for children. This is jjust my opinion, I hope I haven't offended anyone.