
Cine ma poate ajuta cu o traducere in engleza?
In opinia mea , The Monkey's Paw este un lucru paranormal. Daca as avea ocazia sa intalnesc sau sa dau peste asa ceva as fi ingrozita. Nu as profita de acest lucru pentru a-mi indeplini unele dorinte deoarece lucrurile se pot intampla invers. Nu as vrea sa complic lucrurile , as incerca sa o indepartez cat mai mult de mine .
In concluzie , fiind o poveste infricosatoare si fantastica nimic nu este adevarat.

Răspuns :

In my opinion the Monkey's Paw is a supernatural story. Should I have the opportunity to meet or come across with such a situation, I would be terrified. I couldn't take advantage of such an occurrence in order to fulfill some of my wishes because many actions could happen oppositely. I wouldn't complicate a situation, I would try to clear it off as much as possible.
As a conclusion, as it is a frightening and fantastic story, nothing in it is real.