
Buna! Ma poate ajuta si pe mine cineva?
Scrieti doua paragrafe in limba engleza despre o intamplare petrecuta in timpul unei calatorii cu trenul sau avionul.As dori sa fie ceva interesant.

Răspuns :

It was summer, when I decided to visit my friends in UK, as I had nothing better to do. I went online and quickly purchased a plane ticket, for the next day.
I packed my things, called a cab to pick me up and went to the airport. As I have a rich flying background, this was apart of my routine, so it was something normal for me.
Everybody got inside the lane and the pilot throated the plane towards the take off runway. Everything was fine. The flight attendant offered us drinks after one hour of flight. There were more two to come.
However, then happened something which I will never forget. Suddenly, the plane started to shake violently. At first, it wasn't something serious, but then I realized this can turn to something bad. Luckily, it stopped after one minute or two.
The pilot apologized and said that is nothing to worry about.
Finally, we landed. My friends picked me up. I told them what just happened. I will never forget that day.