
(TRADUCETI IN ROMANA) At the beginning of the day at school,all pupils have to registre with their form tutor.It is important that pupils registre in case of a fire.At 9 o,clok the first lesson begins.All lesons last an hour,and after two hours there is o twenty-minute break when pupils can some energy playing games.Afte break,there are often two morelessons and then an one-hour lunch break.Lunch is served from 12 noon to 1.16 p.m.This is the time pupils enjoy very much.then pupils have their lunch,theycan play on the back lown if the weather is nice or watch a video on a rainy day,or get some work done in the computer room.after lunch,there is one more lesson,another 20 minute break and at the end of the day all pupils must de-register.life at st peter's is active,satislying and fun.think everyone will enjoy it here

Răspuns :

La inceputul zilei la scoala toti elevi trebuie sa se inregistreze cu forma de tutore.Este important ca elevi sa inregistreze in cazul unui foc.La 9 fiz prima lectie incepe.Toate lectile dureaza o ora,si dupa doua ore sunt 20 de minute pauza cand elevi pot sa se joace jocuri energice.Dupa pauza,sunt mereu mai multe lectii si dupa o ora de pranz.Pranzul este servit de la 12 amiaza pana la 1.16 dupa amiaza.Acesta este timpul in care le plac foarte mult elevilor.Dupa elevi au pranzul lor,ei pot sa se joace in spatele scolii daca vremea este buna sau sa se uite la un video cand e zi ploioasa,sau sa munceasca la sala calculatoalelor.Dupa pranz este mai mult decat o lectie dupa 20 de minute pauza si la sfarsitul zilei toti elevi trebuie sa se inregistreze inca odata.Viata la st.peter este activa si distractiva.Gandestete ca toata lumea o sa ii placa aici.