
Complete each sentence with 'the' when necessary:
ex : She hopes to get a job in the USA
1) how old were you when you started ..... school?
2) It's a travel book about a trip up ... Amazon.
3) My cousin spent the weekend watching .... videos.
4) He never has .... breakfast in .... morning
5) They're staying at ..... Plaza Hotel in New York.
si traducerea va rog,multumesc

Răspuns :

1) how old were you when you started the school? - ce varsta aveai cand ai inceput scoala? 
2) It's a travel book about a trip up the Amazon. - este o carte de calatorii despre o excursie pe Amazon
3) My cousin spent the weekend watching videos. - varul meu si-a pierdut timpul in week end (sau sfarsitul de saptamana) uitandu-se la filme.
4) He never has breakfast in the morning - el niciodata nu isi ia dimineata micul dejun. 
5) They're staying at Plaza Hotel in New York. - Ei stau (sunt cazati) la Plaza Hotel din New York.