
help! am de fact un text in engleza in care sa zic cum ar fi viata unei vedete

Răspuns :

When we say a celebrity does not mean that life is a wonderful life. We know that the stars have lulti Titi money but we know that it brings happiness. The stars have concertsnice and cool but have a lot of work depends in what area are occupied with concertsand everything they paparatii and are followed by 24 hours of almost 24.
A celebrity's life is awesome, but she/he also have to allow some bad parts too, like paparazzi.
A celebrity's life is busy all the time because of the concerts.
She/he travels a lot in many countries.
Actually they travel almost every day, so their life is quite tiresome, but their fans always make them feel energized.

Sorry daca e prea scurt. Sper ca te-am ajutat :)