
hi!vreau si eu o scrisoare in engleza de 10 randuri in care povestesti unui amic amintiri dintr-o calatorie1 dau 20 pcte

Răspuns :

Dear Friend,
I am writing this because I recalled that one time we went togheter on a trip to England with our parents. Remember when we went to eat on a sunny day and all of a sudden it started to rain? We were so panicked because we didn't have any umbrellas. And that one time when I accidentaly triped on a slice of pizza! It was so embarrassing. Or when we ran on the fields togheter and we got lost and we couldn't find our parents.
It was such an amazing expierence and I wish we could go on a trip again! Last time was so fun... And as we promised eachother.. next stop: Hawaii!
I look forward to hearing from you!
With Love,
(numele tau)