Each holiday spent at the grandparents is unforgettable, but last holiday was really special. My grandparents live in an isolated village in the mountains. I go every summer to revisit them and to meet with childhood friends. Last summer I went, as usual, accompanied by my cousin. I spent so many good times together. In one day, my cousin offered me to go to a desolate house in the neighboring village, which he believed to be haunted by ghosts. And my grandparents, and neighbors were talking about paranormal events occurred in that house but nobody had any proof, had never seen anything. The only argument was that the house was not inhabited only by one old and after his death no one wanted to buy it because the old man had been a bad, lonely. So my cousin invited me to take a walk up to the house, to convince ourselves with our own eyes whether or not ghosts. Of course I was scared but I was very curious and. The journey lasted about an hour and, once in front of the house tried to make our way through high grass and thick. Suddenly the wind began to pound the leaves of the trees began to fall. I heard a strange noise, some swish the leaves and saw shadows approaching. I took her to flee. I was very scared and I did not have courage to look back. My cousin who is more courageous he did hide behind a tree and saw two goats approaching. In vain she started to load at me but because I was running so fast and I was so scared I couldn't hear him. Once home, I did hide under the pillow and after he came at home he only managed to calm me down.