Răspuns :
Originile Halloween-ului dateaza de pe vremea vechilor festivaluri celtice cunoscute sub numele de Samhain. Celtii, care acum 2000 de ani traiau in zona Irlandei si a Angliei sarbatoreau la inceputul lunii noiembrie anul nou.
Aceasta zi marca pentru ei sfarsitul verii si inceputul zilelor intunecoase si reci de iarna, o perioada a anului asociata de acestia cu moartea.
Celtii aveau credinta ca in noaptea dinaintea noului an limita dintre lumea celor vii si lumea celor morti devenea neclara. In noaptea de 31 octombrie ei celebrau Samhain-ul, noapte in care ei credeau ca spiritele celor morti se intorceau pe pamant.
In afara daunelor pe care spiritele le cauzau recoltei, celtii erau convinsi ca prezenta acestora favoriza predictiile despre viitor. Pentru un popor care depindea in totalitate de natura aceste profetii reprezentau o sursa importanta de confort si directie de-a lungul unei ierni lungi.
Pentru comemorarea acestui eveniment druizii faceau focuri imense in aer liber la care oamenii se adunau si aduceau ofrande zeitatilor celtice.In timpul acestul ritual, celtii purtau costume reprezentand de obicei animale si incercau sa isi ghiceasca viitorul reciproc.
In anul 43 d.H. insa romanii au cucerit teritoriul celtic asa ca obiceiurile acestora s-au transformat usor, usor, capatand influente romane.
Pana in anul 800 influenta crestinatatii s-a raspandit intre celti. De aceea, in secolul VII, papa Bonifaciu a declarat ziua de 1 noiembrie ziua Sfintilor (All Saints day), o zii menita sa cinsteasca si sa onoreze martirii si sfintii. Intentia papei fusese de fapt sa inlocuiasca sarbatoarea pagana a celtilor, cu o sarbatoare religioasa.
Aceasta sarbatoare se mai numea si All hallows (hallow=sfant), care s-a transformat de-a lungul timpului in Halloween. Sarbatoarea si-a pastrat traditiile celtice,fiind celebrata asemanator cu Samhain : focuri in aer libe, parade si costume.
Aceasta zi marca pentru ei sfarsitul verii si inceputul zilelor intunecoase si reci de iarna, o perioada a anului asociata de acestia cu moartea.
Celtii aveau credinta ca in noaptea dinaintea noului an limita dintre lumea celor vii si lumea celor morti devenea neclara. In noaptea de 31 octombrie ei celebrau Samhain-ul, noapte in care ei credeau ca spiritele celor morti se intorceau pe pamant.
In afara daunelor pe care spiritele le cauzau recoltei, celtii erau convinsi ca prezenta acestora favoriza predictiile despre viitor. Pentru un popor care depindea in totalitate de natura aceste profetii reprezentau o sursa importanta de confort si directie de-a lungul unei ierni lungi.
Pentru comemorarea acestui eveniment druizii faceau focuri imense in aer liber la care oamenii se adunau si aduceau ofrande zeitatilor celtice.In timpul acestul ritual, celtii purtau costume reprezentand de obicei animale si incercau sa isi ghiceasca viitorul reciproc.
In anul 43 d.H. insa romanii au cucerit teritoriul celtic asa ca obiceiurile acestora s-au transformat usor, usor, capatand influente romane.
Pana in anul 800 influenta crestinatatii s-a raspandit intre celti. De aceea, in secolul VII, papa Bonifaciu a declarat ziua de 1 noiembrie ziua Sfintilor (All Saints day), o zii menita sa cinsteasca si sa onoreze martirii si sfintii. Intentia papei fusese de fapt sa inlocuiasca sarbatoarea pagana a celtilor, cu o sarbatoare religioasa.
Aceasta sarbatoare se mai numea si All hallows (hallow=sfant), care s-a transformat de-a lungul timpului in Halloween. Sarbatoarea si-a pastrat traditiile celtice,fiind celebrata asemanator cu Samhain : focuri in aer libe, parade si costume.
Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. The holiday we know as Halloween has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries. The holiday originally comes from the Celts, who celebrated New Year on November the 1 st and they had to store all the crops from October the 30 th , and prepare the for a cold winter. Then came the Druids, who used to dress like animals using animals’ skins and heads. That was really the first Halloween celebration. Afterwards it spread all across the Roman Empire and finally throughout Christianity. It was first named Hallow E’en, which meant Evening of the Saints, and later on it got its original name. Nowadays it is celebrated mostly in North America, but also in some South-American countries.
Every late November, people in every house hang at lest one ornament on their doors, to get in the spirit of the holiday. There are more than one ornamentation options, and everybody decorates his house just as he pleases. The most “notorious” ornaments is the candle-pumpkin. It’s practically a pumpkin emptied on the inside, and two eyes and a mouth are cut on its shell, and a candle is placed inside so it can brighten the whole holiday. Another way of decoration is the ghost and crown on the door. It’s a ghost, standing in the middle of a crown made out of synthetic grass and small Halloween Pumpkins.
Another Halloween habit is trick-or-treating. It’s a game for the kids, which goes like this. Kids put on masks of ghosts, witches, zombies, or scary monsters, and go from door to door yelling out “Trick or Treat”. It means that either you give them a treat or they play a trick on you. The trick could be letting the air out of the person’s car’s tires, filling their windows with soap, throwing toilet paper rolls over their house’s roof, or anything else that makes them pay for not giving them a treat. The most preferred treats are candy, chocolate, or any other kinds of sweets, and sometimes pumpkin pie and fruit salad.
Sper ca te-am ajutat....Coronita?
Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. The holiday we know as Halloween has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries. The holiday originally comes from the Celts, who celebrated New Year on November the 1 st and they had to store all the crops from October the 30 th , and prepare the for a cold winter. Then came the Druids, who used to dress like animals using animals’ skins and heads. That was really the first Halloween celebration. Afterwards it spread all across the Roman Empire and finally throughout Christianity. It was first named Hallow E’en, which meant Evening of the Saints, and later on it got its original name. Nowadays it is celebrated mostly in North America, but also in some South-American countries.
Every late November, people in every house hang at lest one ornament on their doors, to get in the spirit of the holiday. There are more than one ornamentation options, and everybody decorates his house just as he pleases. The most “notorious” ornaments is the candle-pumpkin. It’s practically a pumpkin emptied on the inside, and two eyes and a mouth are cut on its shell, and a candle is placed inside so it can brighten the whole holiday. Another way of decoration is the ghost and crown on the door. It’s a ghost, standing in the middle of a crown made out of synthetic grass and small Halloween Pumpkins.
Another Halloween habit is trick-or-treating. It’s a game for the kids, which goes like this. Kids put on masks of ghosts, witches, zombies, or scary monsters, and go from door to door yelling out “Trick or Treat”. It means that either you give them a treat or they play a trick on you. The trick could be letting the air out of the person’s car’s tires, filling their windows with soap, throwing toilet paper rolls over their house’s roof, or anything else that makes them pay for not giving them a treat. The most preferred treats are candy, chocolate, or any other kinds of sweets, and sometimes pumpkin pie and fruit salad.
Sper ca te-am ajutat....Coronita?
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