
Buna puteti sa imi traduceti si mie urmatoarea compunere in engleza :

Ma trezesc la 8 dimineata. Mananc si dupa imi fac temele carer mi-au mai ramas si invat. Plec la scoala la 12. Dupa ce termin orele ma duc acasa si imi fac temele . In timpul weekendu-lui ies cu prietenele si mai mereu mergem la Amercan Dinerr. Asa se desfasoara o saptamana de a mea.

Răspuns :

I wake up at 8 in the morning. I eat, and after that I do the homework that is left and I learn. I go to school at 12. After I finish the classes I go home and I do my homework. During the weekend I go out with my friends and we always go to Amercan Dinerr. This is how I spend a week.
I wake up at 8 in the morning. I eat, and after that I do the homework that is left and I learn. I go to school at 12. After I finish the classes I go home and I do my homework. During the weekend I go out with my friends and we always go to Amercan Dinner. This is how I spend a week.