
Traduceti in engleza urmatoarele cuvinte:balonul este mov;cercul este portocaliu;robotul este verde;zmeul zboara;patratul este negru;bomboana este acra;tortul este roz;elefantul este gri;imi place sa desenez un triunghi;mananc tarta cu mere;tata construieste o vila;uite un cerc;puisorul este galben;broscuta se afla sub apa;vezi un patrat;iepurasul este alb;ce steag interesant;mananc o acadea

Răspuns :

In ordine: the balloon is purple, the circle is orange, the robot is green, the kite is flying, the square is black, the candy is sour, the cake is pink, the elephant is grey, i like drawing a triangle, i am eating an apple cake, my dad is building a mansion, look at the circle, the baby chicken is yellow, the frog is underwater, look at the square, the bunny is white, what an interesting flag, i am eating a lollipop
The baloon is purple;the circle is orange;the robot is green;the kite is flying;the square is black;the candy is sour;the cale is pink;the elephant is grey;i like drawing an trangle;i am eating an apple cake;my dad is building an mansionlook at the circle;the baby kitchen is yellow;the frog is underwater;look at the square;the bunny is white;what an intresting flag;i am eating an lollipop sper ca te am ajutat!! Sunt buna la engleza