
Cine imi poate face câte o propoziție/frază in limba engleză cu fiecare dintre expresiile :
• get = a obține
• get up = a se trezi
• get up to = " ce pui la cale ? "
• get Back = a se întoarce
• get out = a iesi
• get in = a intra
• get Off = a se da jos
• get down = a coborî
• get on = a se urca
• get on with = a se înțelege

Răspuns :

I get the bracelet.
You have to get up.
Sara,what do you get up to today?
He'll get back to the things he loved.
Please,get out of my room.
I'm trying to get in between you two.
She has to get off of bed.
Alexia,get down cause the food is ready!
He has to get on the buss.
Unfortunately,she didn't get on with me this time.