
Imi traduceti va rog in engleza.

Dupa o vineri obositoare la scoala, urmeaza preferatul si asteptatul weekend.
In timpul liber , in special in weekend-uri, imi place sa urmaresc filme si sa ies pe afara cu prietenii.
Desigur, atunci cand sunt singura imi place sa fac ce face orice tanar de varsta mea : sa ma joc pe laptop.
In weekend de obicei dorm cand am timp .

Răspuns :

After a hard Friday at school,here comes the most waited period of the week,the weekend.In my spare time,especially un weekends,I like to watch films,and to hang out with my friends.Sure,when I'm alone,I like to do the most commonn thing at teenagers,to play on my laptop.Usuallyin weekends,I like to sleep when a have time.
Gata,sper sa-ti fie de ajutor!