
Ajutati-ma si pe mine sa fac un dialog in care sa anunt o veste buna si una proasta ,va rogggg. In engleza bineinteles:))

Răspuns :

-Hello -Hello mother. -I am a mark. -Care? -Nine at mathem and 5 at sience
-Hy mom!
-Hy swetty how was your day?
-Um mom I have a 4 at Math and 10 at biology.
-Wow! God job! That 4is not that bad becuase sometimes it hapens.
-Thanks mom!

In romana:

-Buna mama!
-Buna dulceata!Cum a fost ziua ta?
-Um mama am un 4 la mate si un 10 la biologie.
-Wow! Buna treaba. Acel 4 nu e asa rau se mai intampla.