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Nepal trek

On top of the world

day 3: We left Heathrow Airport in london two days ago and took an overnight flight direct to Katmandu in Nepal. We spent yesterday sightseeing. Katmandu is full of people ,rickshaws and the smell of sandalwood. I've never been on a trip like this before so I'm really excited.

day 4: At lunchtime today we arrived at Pokhara , Nepal's second largest city , and saw the snowy peaks of the Himalayas for the first time. We reached Pokhara after a hair-raising six-hour bus journey along very narrow roads with a lot of hairpin bends. The bus was so full that one person had to share the driver's seat!

day 5: We have begun our trek at last. We are at about 900 metres and the weather is warm and humid. For lunch we had chips and yak cheese sandwiches. I didn't like them very much!

day 8: Yesterday a landslide blocked our path and we had to use ropes to get over it. This morning we walked along then River Kali Gandaki through dense forests of oak until we reached our camp at Tukuche below the Annapurna mountain range. The main trekking danger , apart from landslides , is a "yak attack". Yaks are not dangerous but you have to be careful if you meet a herd of them because they can push you off the side of a mountain.

ziua 10: We've met lots of children on our trek through the villages. Whenever they meet us, they laugh and shout and walk beside us. The ones we met today told us in English their names, ages and where they go to school. We have already climbed 2.400 metres. Up here it never rains and there are no tress. It is windy and dusty and I am always thirsty. You can get fizzy drinks along the way but we usually drink our own bottled water. We peel all the fruit ,too.

day 11: Yesterday we went up the mountainside to the township of Muktinath, at 3.600 metres. The thin air there leaves you breathless. You feel you can't go on. Even tying your bootlaces is difficult. We drank a lot of extra fluids to prevent altitude sickness.

day 13: We turned round today and started to descend to Jomosom. As we went down , the oxygen filled our blood again and we seemed to be flying instead of walking!

day 15: We went back to Pokhara in a small plane yesterday , retracing in a few minutes the journey which took six days to walk. It was exciting when we flew between the mountain peaks. We arrived in Katmandu this afternoon and we've spent our last few hours shopping . We leave for England tomorrow. We've had the trip of a lifetime, and I've used five rolls of film!

Răspuns :

Calatorie spre Nepal
Pe acoperisul lumii
Ziua 3: Am plecat de pe aeroportul Heathrow din Londra in urma cu doua zile cu un zbor direct de noapte spre Katmandu din Nepal. Ziua de ieri am petrecut-o admirand peisajul. Katmandu e plin de oameni, ricse, si miros de santal. N-am fost niciodata intr-o calatorie ca aceasca si sunt emotionat.

Ziua 4: La ora pranzului am ajuns la Pokhara, al doilea oras ca marime din Nepal, si am vazut pentru prima oara varfurile albe de zapada ale muntilor Himalaia. Am ajuns la Pokhara dupa o calatorie cu autobuzul ce-ti ridica parul in cap de-a lungul unor drumuri foarte inguste cu niste curbe in ac de par. Autobuzul era atat de plin incat o persoana sedea pe scaunul soferului!
Ziua 5: Am inceput in sfarsit calatoria. Suntem la aproximativ 900 de metre si vremea e calda si umeda. La pranz am mancat cartofi prajiti cu sandviciuri cu branza de iac. Nu prea mi-au placut!
Ziua 8: Ieri, o surpare de teren ne-a blocat drumul si a trebuit sa folosim franghii ca sa trecem peste ea. In dimineata aceasta am mers de-a lungului raului Kali Gandaki, prin paduri dese de stejar pana am ajuns la tabara noastra de la Tukuche sub sirul de munti Annpurna. Cel mai mare pericol din calatorie, in afara surparilor de teren, e un “atac ai iacilor”. Iacii nu sunt periculosi, dar trebuie mare atentie cand intalnesti o cireada deoarece te pot impinge in prapastie.

Ziua 10: Am intalnit o multume de copii in calatoria noastra prin sate. Ori de cate ori ne intalneau, radeau, tipau si mergeau pe langa noi. Cei pe care i-am intalnit azi ne-au spus in engleza numele lor, varsta si unde mergeau la scoala. Am urcat dela 2400 de metri. Aici sus nu ploua niciodata si nu exista copaci. E vant si praf si mi-e mereu sete. Se pot cumpara bauturi gazoase de-a lungul drumului, darn oi de obicei ne bem propria apa. De asemenea, curatam de coaja toate fructele.

Ziua 11: Ieri am urcat versantul spre orasul Muktinath, la 3600 de metri. Aerul rarefiat de acolo iti taie respiratia. Simti ca nu mai poti continua. E un mare efort si sa-ti legi sireturie. Am baut o multime de lichide in plus pentru a preveni raul de altitudine.

Ziua 13: Ne-am intors azi si am inceput sa coboram spre Jomosom. Pe masura ce coboram, ni se oxigena iar sangele si ni se parea ca zburam in loc sa mergem!
Ziua 15: Ne-am intors ieri la Pokhara cu un avion mic, facand in cateva minute calatoria ce ne-a luat 6 zile pe jos. Era palpitant cand zburam printre crestele muntilor. Am ajuns la Katmandu in dupa amiaza aceasta si ne-am petrecut ultimele ore facand cumparaturi. Maine plecam spre Anglia. Am facut calatoria vietii noastre si am utilizat cinci role de film!