
Read about your age group again. Now write to an American chil about a typical Romanian party. Stick the paragraph in your scrapbook. VA ROG MULT . e pt maine . URGENt!!! ofer 50 de puncte s-a gresit acolo cu 5

Răspuns :

My name is Ana and I wanna tell you about our typical romanian party.
So, here the childrens are awesome, because they are so smart, always they are inventing new games for fun. The music isn 't so loud , but we like so much to dance .
 fIRST we makeing invitations and then when is the party you can have much more childrens in the room... lol , we have cookies and many kinds of sweets.
we have many kinds of regions, and every each other isnt with the same popular dance.  is very interesting, to watch all kinds of dances, many old songs and rituals . the old dresses are very cool, and now is a fation to wear even in this year.
This dresses are unic in every each part of country. We have even a day like Valentin Day...is so cool... you can dance until midnight next to the fire and you can make another friends.
Hello there,
Here in Romania, the parties are sometimes small, sometimes big. It depends on how much money do people have. We usually dance, drink soda, eat some snacks and meet new friends. What I like about some parties is that no one is treated differently than the other. Except for the times that the 'popular and rich girls' come into the ecuation. But overall, the parties are full of fun, happiness and I hope you will come to a Romanian party once ! 

(nunmele tau sau orice nume vrei tu)