
Fill in the gaps with the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.
I ..... (Read) comics when I was younger.
People around the world ..... (Read) comics for over 100 years .
When I was little, I thought superman really .... (Exist) .
Batman ....(be) my favourite comic character since I ... (Be) ten.
Herge first publoshed Tintin in 1929. My grandfather....(enjoy) this comic since then .


Răspuns :



Fill in the gaps with the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Completați spațiile libere cu forma de Present Perfect sau Past Simple ăentru verbele din paranteze.

I ..... (read) comics when I was younger.

I read comics when I was younger. (Past Tense)

Am citit benzi desenate când eram mai tânăr (mai mic).

People around the world ..... (read) comics for over 100 years .

People around the world have read comics for over 100 years. (Present Perfect)

Oamenii din toată lumea citesc benzi desenate de peste 100 de ani.

When I was little, I thought superman really .... (exist) .

When I was little, I thought Superman really existed. (Past Tense)

Când eram mic, credeam că Superman există.

Batman ....(be) my favourite comic character since I ... (be) ten.

Batman has been my favorite comics character since I was ten. (Present Perfect / Past Tense)

Batman este personajul meu preferat din benzi desenate de când aveam 10 ani.

Herge first published Tintin in 1929. My grandfather....(enjoy) this comic since then .

Herge first published Tintim in 1929. My grandfather has enjoyed this comics since then. (Present Perfect)

Herhe a publicat Tintim în 1929 pentru prima dată. Bunicul meu s-a bucurat de aceste benzi desenate de atunci.



Present Perfect exprimă o acțiune începută în trecut și încă neîncheiată în prezent. Ca indici de timp, ne ajută expresii sau cuvinte precum: „for”, „since”, „this week/month/year”, „never”, „ever”.

Past Tense exprimă o acțiune îcomplet finalizată în trecut. Folosim cuvinte sau expresii precum „last week/month/year”, „ago”, „yesterday” ca indici de timp.