
Completeaza enunturile cu urmatoarele cuvinte si scrieti verbele din paranteze la forma corecta: advice, furniture, knowledge, luck, permission, progress, scenery, traffic, trouble, work.
a) The beautiful mountain ........... in Scotland (attract) many walkers.
b) The new ........... for their sitting room (look) very attractive.
c) Don't worry. There (not/be) any ............ with the police.
d) The ............. always (get) worse in the summer months.
e) I'm afraid this ........... about flight time (be) out of date.

In spatiile libere trebuie sa pui cuvintele de mai sus. (advice, furniture, knowledge, luck permission, progress, scenery, traffic, trouble, work)

Răspuns :

c)won't be-troubles