
Traduceti in engleza : pisica s-a urcat pe gard . ea a cazut in curtea vecinului .vecinul avea un caine mare si rau , dar acesta dormea. pisicuta s-a asezat comoda langa el si au adormit impreuna . dimineata cand cainele s-a trezit a inceput sa latre la micuta pisicuta . aceasta i-a povestit cuma ajuns acolo , iar cei doi au devenit cei mai buni prieteni .

Răspuns :

The cat climber on the fence. She fell in the neighbour's yard. The neightbour had a big and bad dog, but it was sleeping. The kitten sat next to the dog and they slept together. In the morning when the dog woke up, it started to bark at the poor kitty. It told the dog how it got there, and the two became best friends.