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By midday the Indian Police, who were working on the case, had already alerted Interpol.By midnight, although nobody believed in miracles, Inspector Mancuso from the FBI had already solved the problem. He had even managed to put a suspect under arrest. After having flown to the USA, where the suspect had sold the sapphire ring to an old Chineee jeweller, the suspect tried to leave the usa with a large sum of money. The money, which the suspect had put in a black suitcase, was exactly the evidence Mancuso needed to question him.

Răspuns :

Pana la amiaza, Politita Indiana, care lucra la caz, a alertat deja Interpolul. Pana la miezul noptii, cu toate ca nimeni nu credea in miracole, inspectorul Mancuso de la FBI a rezolvat problema. Chiar a coordonat arestarea unui suspect. Dupa ce zburase spre Statele Unite, unde a vandut inelul cu safir unui batran bijutier chinez, suspectul a incerca sa paraseasca Statele Unite cu o suma mare de bani. Banii, pe care suspectul ii pusese intr-o servieta neagra, erau chiar dovada de care Mancuso avea nevoie sa il interogheze.