
Turn the nouns in the Genitive in the following senteces into the plular:
1. This child's schoolbag is very dirty.
2. The roof of the house in new.
3. The girl's dress in long and red.
4. This woman's shoes are very expensive.
5. This boy's parents leave fot Italy every summer,
6. Her brother's bike in cheap.
7. The windows of my room is very clean now.
8. The  blade of the knife in very sharp.
9. This man's eyes are unusual.
10. Her grandmother's glasses are not good anymore.

Răspuns :

1. These children's schoolbags are very dirty.
2. The roofs of the houses are new.
3. The girls' dresses are long and red.
4. These women's shoes are very expensive.
5. These boys' parents leave fot Italy every summer.
6. Their brothers' bikes are cheap.
7. The windows of my rooms are very clean now.
8. The blades of the knives are very sharp.
9. These men's eyes are unusual.
10. Their grandmothers' glasses are not good anymore.