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Acesta este textul in romana :
Prima gradina botanica din Romania a fost infiintata la Iasi in anul 1856, de catre Anastasie Fatu, in gradina proprie de la Rapa Galbena. Actuala gradina botanica a fost intemeiata in anul 1963. Cu cele 100 de hectare ale sale, ea este cea mai spatioasa din tara. In cuprinsul gradinii se gaseste Biserica dintre vii (cu hramul "Sfantul Atanasie"), construita de voievodul Vasile Lupu (1638), precum si izvoarele captate (in secolul al XVIII-lea) in folosul bisericii Sfantul Spiridon, unde apa ajungea prin conducte de lut. Serele contin plante tropicale, cactusi, orhidee si plante carnivore. Un alt obiectiv favorit al vizitatorilor este rozariul, in care sunt adunate peste 800 de specii de trandafiri din intreaga lume.
 Traducerea textului: 
          The first botanical garden in Romania in Iasi was founded in 1856 by Anastasius Fatu , in the Rapa Yellow own garden . The current botanical garden was founded in 1963. With its 100 hectares , it is the most spacious in the country. In the wording of the garden lies the Church of the living ( "Saint Athanasius " ) , built by Prince Vasile Lupu ( 1638 ) and springs captured ( in the eighteenth century) the benefit of the Church of Saint Spiridon , where water is piped from clay. The greenhouses containing tropical plants , cacti , orchids and carnivorous plants . Another favorite target visitors is the rosary , they are gathered over 800 rose species worldwide.