
Translate into English.

1. Când s.a descoperit ca presiunea sângelui scãzuse,pacientul a fost imediat operat.

2. Florile astea nu am mai fost udate de o saptamana.

3. Când s.a stricat aparatul de aer conditionat,camera a trebuit sa fie aerisita de doua ori pe zi.
4. Ieri s-a descoperit de asemenea ca in biroul directorului fusesera puse microfoane.
5.Emisiunile postului n-au mai fost bruiate de câțiva ani.

Răspuns :

1.When a fost discovered that low blood pressure,the patient was immediately operated.
2.Those flowers have not been watered for a week.
3.When the air conditioner broke down,the camera had to be air twice a day.
4.Yesterday was also found that microphones had been put in the principal's office.
5.The station broadcasts have never been jammed for several years.