IV.1. a) Past perfect is used to show that the action of
entering the collection of cuddly toys happened before the action of opening the exhibition. (older: entered
the collection; newer: the opening of exhibition)
b) Past perfect progressive is used to express that the boy
started collecting rocks and fossils long before the exhibition was opened, but
he was still collecting them at the time of the exhibition.
c) Past perfect is used to show us that the action of
becoming notable and the action of winning the expert’s acclaim happened before
the moment in the past when the story was told us. (sequence of tenses: the
story is told, and all other events had happened before that moment)
3. 1. I had been typing
2. she had cooked.
3. I had never played
4. he had watched
5. I had read it
6. they had been working
7. we had been living
VI. went; I had read; I arrived; had already been queuing; I
joined; opened; I realized; I had been standing; I hoped; disappointed; I had
never seen; seemed; I spent; had meant; I was looking; stopped; began;
answered; had been talking; looked; told; shook; had given; had found