
Traduceti va rog frumos !urgent!
Why do some people not like to work ? Some might have picked a climb-the-ladder-oriented career and never switched . Others may not put their heart into work because of the poor compensation , lack of respect or appreciation from the employer , poor health benefits or poor work-life balance . A third group may become overwhelmed when seeing the amount of work looming before them . They begin to feel incapable of completing the task , thus being seized with a fear of failure .

Răspuns :

De ce unora nu le place sa munceasca? Cativa poate au ales un job cu o singura posibilitate de avansare si nu si l-au schimbat niciodata. Altii poate nu isi pun sufletul in munca pe care o fac din cauza unui salariu scazut, lipsa de apreciere a angajatorului, cu beneficii in sanatate foarte putine sau lipsa timpului pentru a-si trai viata. Un al treilea grup poate deveni coplesit cand vad atata munca de facut. Ei incep sa se simta incapabili in a completa o cerinta, astfel devenind plini de frica esecului