
the words in the box below are often used for instructions in the classroom and in Reward Intermediate.Underline the verbs 
*activity, answer ,check ,complete, conversation ,do ,explain ,look up, listen,make,mistake,meaning,spell,match,notes,number,paragraphs,phrase,chart,pronunce,work,aloud,question,read,repeat,circle,say,exercise,in pairs,sentence,ask,statement,tick,underline,word,passage,write,

Răspuns :

Pai nu sunt toate?
Adica mie asa mi se pare.
Ce trebuie sa faci este sa subliniezi numai verbele. (eu le-am ingrosat ca sa le vezi mai bine)

activity, answer ,check ,complete, conversation ,do ,explain ,look up, listen,make,mistake,meaning,spell,match,notes,number,paragraphs,phrase,chart,
pronunce,work,aloud,question,read,repeat,circle,say,exercise,in pairs,sentence,ask,statement,tick,underline,word,passage,write.

Astea sunt toate sper ca te-am ajutat :)