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The Flood - Episode 3
Answer the questions:
1. Name two of the things the police told Mr. Wilson to do.
The police told Mr. Wilson to switch off the gas and electricity and to pack only a small bag each.
2. Why doesn't Mrs. Wilson want to leave without her computer?
Mrs. Wilson doesn't want to leave without her computer because her whole business is on it and if they lose that, they lose everyting.
3. Why does Lucy decide to stay in the house alone?
Lucy decied to stay in the house because she didn't want her mother to lose her bussines, as her father had already lost it, and she was thinking how she could save the computer software.
4. Why do the Wilsons leave without Lucy?
The Wilsons left without Lucy because they thought that Lucy was already in the van.
5. What five things would you choose to take with you if you had to leave home in a hurry?
If I had to leave home in a hurry, I would take my box with personal documents and identification cards, my mobile, my pets, my plants and the DVD containing my photographs.
6. Lucy is going to be alone in the flooded house. Do you think she will stay or do you think she will join her family? What would you do?
I think Lucy will join the family, exactly as I would do in such circumstances. This is not because I would be scared to be alone and fight to survive, but because life is so precious that we should try to live it near our dear ones to the last minute.