
eu ma spalam pe par cand a sunat ea.
noi l-am vazut pe tim in timp ce conducea.
ea asculta muzica in timp ce noi ne uitam la tv.
ei invatau cand am ajuns eu acasa.
tu vizitai orasul cand te-am intalnit.
copiii faceau ex in timp ce parintii se relaxau.
soarele stralucea cand m-am trezit azi-dimineata.
el planta un copac in timp ce ea uda florile.
tu vorbeai la telefon ieri pe vremea asta.
tu ai ajuns acasa tarziu.
traducerea in lb engleza repede!!!! dau coroana

Răspuns :

I was washing my hair when she called.
We seen Tim when he was driving.
She was listening to music when we were watching Tv.(cred)
They were studying when I came home.
You were visiting the city when I meet you.
The children were making exercises when the parents were relaxing.
The sun was brighting when i gived up in the morning.
He was planting a tree when she was watering the flowers.
You were talking in this moment yesterday.
You were come home late.
Sper ca nu le-am gresit.