
Traducere corecta: in engleza
Draga mosule,
Iti scriu aceste randuri cu speranta ca zecile de pixuri si kg. de hartie stricate vor ajunge in definitiv si la tine. Este destul de ciudat sa te gandesti cat de repede a trecut acest an, dar te astept si anul acesta cu bratele deschise si cu bucurie in inima mea.Ti-am compus chiar si o poezie, sper sa iti placa:
Draga mos craciun
Cu bucurie vreau sa-ti spun
Anul ăsta imi doresc
Un motiv ca sa mai cresc
Un cadou frumos sa-mi dai
Din sacul tau, stiu ca-l ai!

Mos Craciun eu te iubesc,
Sanatate iti doresc,
Si la anul care vine
Te rog vino iar la mine!
Cu drag,...

Răspuns :

Dear Santa
I'm writting this with hope that those tons of pencils and papers will finally arrive at you. Is kind wierd to think how fast this year passed, but I'm waitting for you with my arms open and with happines in my heart. I really wrote a poem for you, I hope you'll like it.
My dear santa
With happines I want to say
This year I want
One reason to grow up
A nice present to give me
From you big sack
I know that you have it!
Santa Claus, I love you
I wish you to be health
And the next year
please come back to me
With love..