
Bună seara lumee! Fiți antenă! Deci...am o temă la engleză..și nu prea îmi vin idei...
Deci să vă explic cum stă treaba: Enunțu zice în halul următor:
Which of the sentences below do you agree with?
Doamna profesoară ne-a explicat că trebuie să răspundem la afirmațiile pe care le-am scris mai jos la începutul propoziției cu ”I agree” sau ”I disagree”...în fine nu asta e important...Eu am nevoie de niște idei...în română sau engleză...cum știți voi...După ce scriu I agree sau I disagree trebuie să argumentez cu idei...
ex: 1. If there is intelligent life on other planets, why hasn't anyone visited us?
I agree because....și pauzăăă...nu mai știuu...aici interveniți voi cu idei dacă aveți...
2. There is no life on other planets.
3. There is life on other planets but not necessarily people.
4. I can only believe things which are proved scientifically.
5. Scientists don't know everything.
6. We don't know very much about other planets so maybe there is life beyond Earth.
7. I can't believe we are the only intelligent form of life in the universe.
8. I don't know if there is life anywhere else but it's a nice idea.
Mersiiiiii multtt!!! Thank youuu!! Sper că mă veți putea ajuta!

Răspuns :

1) i agree because it doesnt mean that If a civilization is intelligent they need to travel milliard of light years away to meet a civilization that they dont evwn know If its real.
2) i disagree because something like that is impossible. Maybe theyre not developed, but scientists have already found molecular life on other planets.
3) I agree because on other planets the surroundings are different so If there would be developed life forms, they wont look like us.
5) I agree but not fully. All the things proven by sciemce are true, but that doesnt mean we only need to believe in the things thats proven by it, ignoring the rest
6) I agree because there are milliard of planets out there, even ones that are like earth, so of course there is life
7) I agree because we cant know yet. We dont have enough information about outerspace to be able to know that
8) I agree, it is a nice idea, but most likely there is life