
cum se traduce in engleza "Vacanta de vara a fost scurta pentru mine.A trecut prea repede.Vacanta aceasta am fost cu prietenul meu si familia lui la mare, am invatat sa innot. Mai mult de jumatate de vacanta am petrecut-o cu iubitul meu.Vara asta am avut "norocul" sa fiu racita, mi-am facut prieteni noi, am invata lucruri noi. Chiar daca am fost mai tot timpul ocupata si nu am simtit cand a trecut vara tot am asteptat sa inceapa scoala si sa-mi revad colegii , mai ales pe colega mea de banca Florina. "

Răspuns :

The summer holiday was short for me. The time passed quickly. This holiday I went with my friend and his family at the seaside and I learned how to swim. More that half of the holiday I stayed with my boyfriend. This summer I had the ''luck'' to have a cough, I made new friends and I learned new things. Even if I was all the time busy I haven't noticed how fast the summer have passed and I waited so long to start school to see my class mates, especially my desk mate Florina