
de facut o felicitare pentru mos craciun

Răspuns :

Dear Santa, It's been a year since we didn't speak, so I suppose there's plenty of time to talk about things I've been doing right and my strong wishes for this year. You know, I have been a good kid and taken care of either my parents and my dog, Puffy. Also, I have done a great job at school. Therefore, I wish a baby sister for this year, if possible: blonde and curly like me. And a sports car, too. For my parents, I'd like a new and a bigger house. Waiting for these wishes to come true, Yours, one of the billions kid of this planet, Lionel! Many kisses to you, dear Santa!
daca ai nevoe cum so faci adica constructia pot sati dau o imagine cum so faci 
dar daca ai nevoe de context iti scriu tot aici
draga mos craciun anul acesta am fost cuminte si imi doresc un ursulet de plus si multa sanatate pentru toti membrii familiei mele tiam lasat linga pomul de craciun un platou plin cu biscuti si un pahar plin cu cacao sa savurei cu placere 
                                                                               cu drag Brianna