
Traduceti-mi si mie acest text in engleza ( e facut de mine si chiar s-a intamplat .. ) :
                                                  A strange Happening

Era o zi ploioasa de vara , eram la Ramnicu Valcea impreuna cu verisoara mea , intr-un moment de neatentie nu am observat ca afara a inceput sa ploua oribil de rau, singurul lucru care m-a trezit din fata televizorului a fost verisoara mea care se panica non-stop ca o sa inunde casa sau ca o sa trasneasca un fulger blocul sau cine mai stie ce, incercam sa o potolesc cat puteam dar fara folos fiindca mai rau era,stropii de ploaie loveau puternic geamul , simteam ca ziua urmatoare afara o sa fie o dezordine frumoasa , am vazut cum batea vantul cu o putere de nedescris , mai era umpic si se creea o tornada dar din fericire nu s-a intamplat nimic , dintr-o data curentul s-a luat iar eu si verisoara mea eram in diferite camere , iar soneria usii a inceput sa sune insistent si fulgerele si tunetele se intensificau , am observat cum Ana a inceput sa tipe ca nebuna alergand de colo in colo , era amuzant sa o vezi cum se sperie , cand usa se zgudui putin ne-am speriat oribil , ne-am dus amandoua luand o umbrela si un papuc si ne-am indreptat direct spre usa , am incuiat-o bine fiindca era incuiatadoar odata , cand eram sigure ca nu ar putea sa rupa sau altceva la usa ca sa intre , din fericire inainte sa ne uitam pe vizoar a pornit lumina si frica ne disparuse putin , cand ne-am uitat pe vizoar  nu era nimeni , a fost foarte straniu incidentul , si evident n-am avut somn toata noaptea asa ca ne-am uitat la televizor pana dimineata , sfarsit.


Răspuns :

It was a rainy day of summer, I was with my cousin Ramnicu Valcea, in a moment of inattention I noticed that it started to rain outside horribly wrong, the only thing that woke me up in front of the TV was my cousin who panic non-stop flooding a house or a block to kill the lightning or who knows what, trying to settle down as I could but to no avail because the worst was strong raindrops hitting the window, I felt the next day off will be a beautiful mess, I saw the wind blew with untold power, there was a tad and create a tornado, but fortunately nothing happened, suddenly the power was taken while me and my cousin were in different rooms, and door bell began to ring insistently and lightning and thunder intensified, I noticed how Ana started screaming like crazy running from here to there, it was funny to see how scared when the door we shake a little scared horrible we went both taking an umbrella and a shoe and we headed straight for the door, I locked it well because it was incuiatadoar once, when I was sure they could not break or else the door to get in, luckily before we started watching the light visors and fear us less disappeared when we looked on the visors was not one, it was very strange incident, and obviously I did not sleep all night so we watched TV until morning , finally.SPER CA TEAM AJUTAT