Write 5 questions about the summer holidays
1. Where did you spend your summer holidays: at the seaside or at the countryside, at your grandparents?
Unde ţi-ai petrecut vacanţa de vară: la mare sau la ţară, la bunici?
2. Did you stay in an elegant hotel or in a tent when you were at the mountains?
Ai stat într-un hotel elegant sau în cort când ai fost la munte?
3. Did you play on the beach, building sand castles at the seaside?
Te-ai jucat pe plajă, construind castele de nisip la mare?
4. Were you curious to go to the Dolphinarium in Constanţa?
Ai fost curios să mergi la Delfinariu în Constanţa?
5. Did you enjoy the trips in the mountains with your classmates?
Ţi-au plăcut excursiile în munţi cu colegii tăi de clasă?