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While the population of Europe and America is growing older , those in developing countries are becoming younger . In the non-western world , particularly India , China and Brazil , there is an influential generation of teenagers growing up . The young people's tastes influence the desing of clothes and cars ; whole industries are appearing to help teenagers spend their free time -and their many

Răspuns :

While the population of Europe and America is growing older , those in developing countries are becoming younger . In the non-western world , particularly India , China and Brazil , there is an influential generation of teenagers growing up . The young people's tastes influence the desing of clothes and cars ; whole industries are appearing to help teenagers spend their free time -and their many
In timp ce populatia din Europa si America imbatraneste, cele din tarile in curs de dezvoltare intineresc. In partea non-vestica, mai ales in India, China si Brazilia, exista o generatie influenta de adolescenti in dezvoltare/crestere. Gusturile tineretului influenteaza designul hainelor si masinilor; industrii intregi sunt in curs de aparitie ca sa ii ajute pe tineri sa isi petreaca timpul liber - si a lor.... (ca daca voiai sa zici, "si ele sunt multe" ar fi trebuit sa scrii: "an they are many".