
Ajutor va rog nu prea stiu engleza si nimeni nu doreste sa ma ajute va rog ajutatima sa scriu un eseu de 4- 5 propozitii cu tema Computer in my life va rog mult

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Computer in my life

Computers have become in our century one of the most used innovative technology in almost every field of activity. Even the small children .. they first learn how to play on computers and then how to make their first steps.

Computers are of real help for children in school projects, when they have to find information to complete their essays. Look at me ... I don't know English well enough, but someone else who does writes my essay on computers right here, on an online site dedicated to school homework. I'll get the highest possible qualification thanks to the computer and to the internet.

In the meantime, I can play also using the computer. There are so many funny games that control our lives. Using computers becomes an addiction, particularly when my online friends give me likes on social media, after I post a photograph of me cooking onion sauce.

Of course, computers in my life mean the world to me ...