Buna ! Imi puteti scrie o compunere de vreo 10-15 randuri cu titlul My Best friend. Numele prietenului e Teo. E cantaret ca mine, e prietenos, amuzant , smecher si foarte tare! Va rog , ati putea sa nu folositi cuvinte elevate, si folositi exprimari de clasa a sasea. Va rog mult de tot!
My best friend
My best friend's name is Teo. He is 12 years old and we both study at the same school. In fact, we are classmates and we're in the 6th grade.
He has a pleasant complexion, dark blue eyes, dark brown hair of medium size. He is taller than me, actually he is the tallest in our class.
One of his hobbies is to sing, just like me. Therefore, we have formed a school group of singers and he additionally can play the guitar really well. He's a friendly person, he offers his help when he can, I doubt he has ever refused anybody in his life. However, he doesn't always come to school with his homework entirely done, he's quite cunning and he copies from us especially the essays at French. He pretends he lacks imagination, but I know he only prefers to sing instead of writing essays.
Isn't he the coolest friend ever!