
Traduceti in engleza scrisoarea aceasta , fara google translate ! Multumesc ! :*
Draga Herry ,
Imi pare rau ca nu ti-am rapuns mai devreme la scrisoarea ta. Am foarte multe teme si foarte putin timp liber . Sambata trecuta am fost impreuna cu familia mea la zoo. M-am distrat foarte mult . Am vazut o multime de animale dar cele care m-au impresionat cel mai mult au fost tigrii , sau cel putin unul din ei pe nume Sasha. Era extrem de jucaus si foarte energic. Am stat o ora uitandu-ma la el si mama lui cum se jucau inre ei. A fost foarte amuzant. Tu unde ai fost de curand ? Cum te-ai distrat ? Astept vesti de la tine.
Cu drag, Anna !

Răspuns :



Dear Harry,

I am sorry for not having answered sooner to your letter. I had a lot of homework to do and very little spare time. I and my family went together at the Zoo last Saturday. I had a very good time. I saw a lot of animals, but the ones that impressed me the most were the tigers, or at least one of them, called Sasha. He was extremely playful and very energetic. I stood for an hour to watch him and his mother playing together. It was very entertaining. Where have you been lately? What have you done for fun?  I am looking forward to hearing news from you.

Love, Anna.