
Spuneti-mi si mie va rog frumos 3 propozitii care incep cu : 1. I think Ben was silly when (she\he) said...... (si aici la .... sa mai spuneti ceva, la toate asa) ...
2. I think  Debbie was wrong when (she\he) said..........
3. I think Jenny was clever when (she\he) said...................
       Vreau sa spun ca dupa *said* sa spun ce a declarat.......si unde e (she\he) sa spun ce e: fata sau baiat...in limba engleza nu prea stiu numele fiecaruia ce gen au :))) ....Prima am facut-o dar nu stiu daca e bine : I think Dave was funny when she said it was my mother at swimming.   Daca am gresit la scriere sa imi spuneti dar sa nu ma jigniti :D am nevoie la engleza pt ca nu prea inteleg... Va rog eu mult sa ma ajutati :D :*

Răspuns :

1. I think Ben was silly when he said that it was my mother at the swimming pool.
2. I think  Debbie was wrong when she said that her brother got bad results at the exam.
3. I think Jenny was clever when she said that I had to think more before opening my mouth.

Te uiti la nume: Ben - e nume de baiat, deci vei spune HE
Debbie e nume de fata - SHE
Jenny e nume de fata - SHE