
Ajutor! Nu prea le am eu cu engleza si....am o descriere de facut...
Prietena cea mai buna : Ne-am intalnit prima data la gradinita,si de atunci ne intelegem foarte bine.Numele ei este Laura .Nu este nici prea grasuta nici prea inalta,are ochii mari albastrii ,are fata ovala , parul il are scurt roscat,drept.Este o fire zambareata , ii place sa citeasca ,ii place sportul in special voleiul.Ii place desenul si acesta este un punct comun.Este glumeata.
Ii plac mult materiile exacte...
Imi este cea mai buna prietena...de cand o cunosc nu m-a dezamagit niciodata ,iar daca am avut nevoie de ajutor mi-a fost mereu aproape...Este o prietena de incredere si cel mai bun lucru este prietena mea.... 
Nu prea am nicio idee...daca este de completat ,chiar nu ma supar ..multumesc!

Răspuns :

Ok..deci am adaugat o propozitie la sfarsit:Sper sa ramanem prietene pentru totdeauna.
My best friend
we first met at the kindergarten, and then we understand very well.her name is Laura .It is neither too plump, not too high,has large  blue eyes accent ,has oval face, her red  hair was short haired,right.It is a temper Princess Smiling Face, she likes to read ,likes sport, in particular voleyball.He likes the drawing, and this is a common point.It is playful disposition.
She likes than raw accurate ...
It is my best friend ... when I know I'm disappointed never she never let my go ,and if I needed help I was always close ... is a friend of confidence and the best thing is my friend.I hope we stay friends forever.

Sper ca te-am ajutat.Si daca e sper sa il faci cel mai bun.Succes.

My best friend: The first time we met was at kindergarden, and since then we understand very good.Her name is Laura.She`s not to fat or too tall, has big blue eyes, has oval face and a short red hair, straight.She smile everytime, likes to read, likes sports..especially volleyball.
 She is my best friend and she never let me down and if i needed help, she was always close to me...Is a trusted friend adn the most important thing is that she is my friend.Love you, Laura..