
ma ajutati va rog cu un ex la enleza. stiu cum se pun verbele la infinitiv sau la gerunziu dar nu stiu in ce propozitie se potrivesc. Exercitiul este:                                                                        Complete the sentences with the correct form, infinitiveor gerund, of the vrebs in the box                   VERBS ARE: choose, read , read, understand, have to, discuss, become, study, understand(don't).READ ESTE DE DOUA ORI.                                                                              TEXTUL ESTE:                                                                                                                I ENJOY........BOOKS VERY MUCH.I PREFER.........IN MY OWN LANGUAGE BUT LAST YEAR, AT SCHOOL, WE STARTED ......... BOKS IN ENGLISH, WHICH I REALLY LIKE. I DON'T MIND .......... EVERY WORD AND I HATE ....... LOOK WORDS UP IN THE DICTIONARY. I LIKE MOST KINDS OF BOOKS BUT I CAN'T IMAGINE ......... TO READ A LOVE STORY FOR PLEASURE. I LOVE...... BOOKS WITH OTHER STUDENTS. I WOULD LIKE ........... A CRITIC ONE DAY.     completati spatile punctate cu verbele la gerunziu sau infinitiv din lista de mai sus. URGENT PLZ.SA FIE CAT DE CORECT POSIBIL

Răspuns :

I enjoy reading books / I prefer reading ..started. to read / don't mind not understanding...hate having to look words up / can't imagine choosing to read.. / love discussing / would like to become a critic...